$72 Million Valued Each Eight Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter Still in Circulation

Coin collectors and treasure seekers are always searching across the broad world of coins for unique treasures. The Eight Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter, valued at a combined total of $72 million, are still in circulation and are not well known. The fascinating backstories of these elusive coins which, despite their enormous value, are still found in the pockets and wallets of naive people are revealed in this article. It is astounding to consider that some of the pennies we could unintentionally toss around might have millions of dollars in value. It is still believed that these extremely rare quarters and dimes, which are valued at an astounding $72 million apiece, remain in circulation. 

$72 Million Valued Each Eight Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter Still in Circulation

Holding a collection of rare ancient coins may make one quite wealthy, therefore those who do so are truly blessed. In the market, these eight rare dimes are still worth $72 million. Since a Bicentennial Quarter and each of these rare dimes costs $72 million, one should be able to locate them. Coins that exhibit unique characteristics that draw attention to the nation’s historical traits are considered rare because they also symbolize the nation’s history, these unusual coins are extremely uncommon.

 8 rare coins and a Bicentennial Quarter- Details

Known forValued at
1894-S Barber DimeExceptionally low mintage of 24$72 million
1916-D Mercury DimeLow mintage, great designUSD 72 million
1942/1 Mercury DimeError dateUSD 72 million
1913 Liberty Head NickelOnly 5 known varieties$72 million
1871-CC Seated Libertyfrontier-era American history$72 million
1838 O Capped – Bust Half DollarNot known and mysteriousUSD 72 million
1796 Draped BustEarly American coinage$72 million
Bicentennial QuarterExceptional design, finite mintage$72 million

List of 8 Rare Dimes & an Ancient Bicentennial Quarter

$72 Million Valued Each Eight Rare Dimes and a Bicentennial Quarter Still in Circulation

The 1916-D Mercury Dime

Not just any old piece of pocket change, the 1916-D Mercury Dime is unique. It is one of the rarest dimes in American currency history, with just 264,000 being minted at the Denver Mint. Adolph A. Weinman’s delicate design, which features Lady Liberty with a winged crown, is still highly prized by collectors. If you are lucky enough to find this dime, its value might possibly reach the millions, depend upon its condition. Therefore, go through your change a tiny penny can be your key to a huge fortune.

1894-S Barber Dime

With only 24 minted and only around 9 known to still exist today, it is one of the most well-known rare coins in American history. It is said that this coin was minted as a unique present for VIPs and bankers. Due to its rarity, it is among the most valuable dimes ever created.

1942/41 Mercury Dime

Unexpected treasures can occasionally result from mistakes. A minting error resulted in the creation of an uncommon over date coin in the case of the 1942–1941 Mercury Dime. Collectors will notice that the “42” is oddly positioned over the “41.” This small mishap turned an ordinary coin into an extremely expensive item, and its value has only increased with time. Therefore, keep an eye out for these valuable mistake coins if you ever come across a 1942 Mercury Dime.

The 1796 Draped Bust Dime

The 1796 Draped Bust Dime is only one example of a coin that has historical significance. This coin is highly valued by collectors and historians alike because it was among the first dimes ever made in USA. The eagle on the rear and Lady Liberty’s flowing hair on the front symbolize a period when the United States was still forming its identity. If you ever find one of these coins in your spare change, it’s a remarkable find because very few of these are around nowadays.

1838 O Capped – Bust Half Dollar

The main feature of this coin is that you will not get it easily as it belongs to coin of American coinage is the 1838-O Capped Bust Half Dollar. Its origins is mysterious. Some people think it was made in early 1839 using dies left over from 1838.

1913 Liberty Head Nickel

There are just five that are known to exist, and they were created inexplicably. Although the reason behind their striking is a mystery to coin collectors, these nickels have gained legendary status. Should another one appear, it would undoubtedly bring in millions and rock the world of numismatics.

1871-CC Seated Liberty

In many aspects, the 1871-CC quarter is similar to the 1870-CC. Around 11000 pieces were minted during this year, and not many of them still exist today. Just three or four are likely known at the Mint State level, according to Rusty Goe, who estimates the number at 35 and 50. Such little denomination coins were not in high demand.

Bicentennial Quarter

Apart from these exceptional dimes, an ancient Bicentennial quarter is estimated to be valued around $72 million. A few years ago, the Chronicle Collectibles website listed a 1976-S Bicentennial Silver Quarter, which was the most valuable of the pieces and had an extremely high grade, selling for $19,200 at auction. However, that isn’t the only bicentennial quarter that brings a high value. Many other people have as well.


It may be a life changing experience to come across one of these 8 Rare Dimes & an Ancient Bicentennial Quarter. Representing the ultimate in numismatic treasures, each coin has a value of $72 million. Coins with a distinct history and the potential to be worth millions of dollars include historic penny from the United States’ early days and silver Bicentennial quarters that were accidentally produced.

Make sure to check your change more carefully the next time you are going through it because you never know when you might find something valuable. These rare coins can be closer than you think, so keep a look out for them whether you’re an experienced collector or just getting started.

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